Added ability to download a session of boards in LIN format. The new
button appears between the and (Session) buttons. Note: the Download PBN button text has been shortened to PBN to fit the new LIN button. Requested by Tom Trotter.LIN files may be imported into your Deal Archive in BBO via Accounts (pane) → Deal archive (tab) → + (button) to create a new folder → click on new folder → Import LIN (blue button at bottom).
Sometime shortly after the BBO Helper 1.4.9 release, between BBO versions 6.14.5 and 6.17.2, BBO made a small change to the user interface that broke the name tooltip functionality due to a race condition. Note that BBO now logs the user in at and then transitions to instead of which redirects to the login URL.
When the new option Append [B++] to all auto alerts in the BBO application options section of the full settings is selected, [B++] will be appended to all auto alerts. Flagged alerts will be indicated in the board copy-and-paste aid and Session HTML by B++. If you launch BSOL, flagged alerts will appear as (B++), owing to BSOL swallowing up the straight brackets. Note: alert dialog substitutions such as “hsgt” → “Help suit game try” are not flagged because with substitutions the player almost certainly deliberately intended the alert.
Player database improvements. Added 4,000 players from various sources.
Added 400 players from the BBO Royals & Masters Tournaments. These are strong and/or frequent BBO players. Now have 1, 26, 62, and 122 players recorded for the A, K, Q, and J Royal Awards respectively, i.e. 84% of the 250 total Royal Awards.
This may be nearly all the Royal Awards. Many of the remaining 39 players who would qualify for a Royal Award could also be BBO stars in which case BBO displays only the ★ badge. For example, there was no A for years because Leo Lasota was also a BBO star until Silviu Lovescu (usla) became the top BBO point holder in May 2023. Similarly Samuel Marks (sammarks) was a Q in 2022 before being awarded a BBO star.
Improvements for English Bridge Union (EBU) events and players.
Real Name improvements.
The Real Names functionality is augmented by over 4,100 BBO handles that were not previously mapped to names using automated procedures. This includes 1,130 (probably most) BBO stars (★ badge), many regular high rankers in ACBL events, and many players with a lot of BBO points (typically 7 or higher badge). About 1,800 of the players are from outside the ACBL, notably Great Britain / England, Israel, Türkiye, Poland, Italy, Norway and India. This closes a request by Adam Wildavsky to have his handle and several other players added, but goes significantly beyond the original request.
Because most of the added players are strong players, the field strength for ACBL events will usually be higher than before.
Improved localization.
The board copy-and-paste aid (Alt+H) now uses language specific honor cards letters (e.g. E, K, D, and B for the ace, king, queen, and jack in Danish), compass directions, notrump designation (e.g. UT in Danish, SA in French and Italian), and for pass, double, and redouble (if not using the P, X, XX short calls) when invoked from within the BBO application. This does not apply to standalone handviewer because BBO itself does not support localization in the handviewer.
If you want to use the English designations instead of your language, perhaps to reach a wider audience, you may uncheck the new user preference Use local language for board display rather than English in the BBO application options section of the full settings.
Cleanup: code improvements and simplifications
Added ability to download an HTML file containing all boards from the session using the new HTML button next to the existing Download PBN button in BBO My Hands.
The initial output HTML conforms to user preferences for copying boards as HTML, for example those under the Full Board Copy display section of the full settings, but many options may be adjusted via a set of checkboxes on the generated HTML without the need to regenerate the page.
Individual boards copied as HTML have always inlined the CSS styling to maximize the preservation of the formatting when pasted into a target document. By contrast the boards in the Session HTML are largely formatted by CSS classes, enabling the aforesaid checkbox functionality and allowing easy style changes to the output by those familiar with CSS.
Session HTML boards include the raw score (e.g. +1430), the score (MP percentage or IMPS), and a link to the traveller.
The new preference Always include double dummy table in session HTML determines whether the double dummy table is included in the session HTML only when the double dummy result is cached (fastest download) or always included. If you played or observed a board, the double dummy result will be cached. If you are pulling someone else’s boards, the double dummy query will require about one second per board.
John Goacher’s Bridge Solver Online (BSOL) is now invoked using the lin URL parameter. This means that the player names, auction, contract, and card play are now passed to BSOL allowing you to replay the hand as it was actually played, similar but faster than replaying the hand in the BBO History window. However, unlike the BBO double dummy review, you are not locked into this line of play and may also choose a different contract played by a different seat.
The names passed in lin parameter adhere to the application setting chosen for Include player handles / seat names. Use: pulldown. You may chose “Compass Direction” to protect the guilty. This change causes a minor update to the Privacy Policy.
Reworked logic for saving timing information and displaying the double dummy table.
Cleanup: Auction clock display is now turned off after the auction is completed at a Bidding table. Previously it remained on screen, seemingly misaligned in the lower right corner, because BBO resizes the auction box at the end of the auction at a Bidding table.
Cleanup: Improve auto-alert default descriptions to make some meanings clearer in keeping with the principle that the name of a convention is not an explanation. Specific changes:
“Jacoby 2NT” → “4+ card supp, GF, no shortness (Jacoby)“
“Splinter” → “0 or 1 !c with 4+ card supp (splinter)” (4♣︎ case)
Contact me if you would like to provide a translation for a language.
Initial release.