Weiss Trophy
The Eric Weiss trophy is awarded to the winning pair at the annual meeting and elections event of the La Jolla Unit.
Eric Weiss was born in Romania in 1920. He studied mechanical engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland, but his studies were interrupted by World War II and as a result he emigrated to the United States and finished his studies at Caltech in Pasadena. He was interested in analog and digital computing devices, and after the War he became a pioneer in the logical design of some of the first large digital computers. Playing bridge was a life-long interest and recreation which began in his early teens and continued throughout his life. Eric and his wife Irma played duplicate bridge regularly in La Jolla, Ocean Beach and Pacific Beach, and traveled to Los Angeles and Phoenix for red point games. After the games, he enjoyed scoring because it gave him an overview of how the same hands were played by different people. The Eric Weiss trophy honors a person who loved and promoted the game of contract bridge until his untimely death in 1965.
2019 | Maritha Pottenger | Kent Hartman |
2018 | Jeremy Fields | Linda Gu |
2017 | Maritha Pottenger | Kent Hartman |
2016 | George Bessinger | Kathee Bessinger |
2015 | David Oakley | Gregory Chaffee |
2014 | Steve Cooper | Kitty Cooper |
2013 | Rex Latus | Sheila Latus |
2012 | Lynne Newman | Randall Dougherty |
2011 | Debbie Gailfus | Alan Gailfus |
2010 | Debbie Gailfus | Alan Gailfus |
2009 | David Oakley | David Walters |
2008 | Maritha Pottenger | Gregory Chaffee |
2007 | Ron Fertig | Dayou Zhou |
2006 | Diana Marquardt | Steve Johnson |
2005 | Judy Rimer | Norton Rimer |
2004 | Debbie Gailfus | Alan Gailfus |
2003 | Gerald Lackner | Alain Schreiber |
2002 | David Oakley | Gregory Chaffee |
2001 | Pat Chapman | Lynne O’Neill |
2000 | Bill Grant | Ed Layton |
1999 | Roy Green | Mary Green |
1998 | Phyllis Nostdal | Margaret Brown |
1997 | Debbie Gailfus | Alan Gailfus |
1996 | Leonard Sitongia | Al Carsola |
1995 | Virginia Hastings | Dewey Slough |
1994 | Wirt Gilliam | Mark St. John |
1993 | Lynne O’Neill | Pat Chapman |
1992 | Ruth Fortner | Marian Lohmann |
1991 | Barbara Norman | John Norman |
1990 | Larry Weiss | Bob Klein |
1989 | Lynne O’Neill | Bill Grant |
1988 | Larry Weiss | Bob Klein |
1987 | Priscilla Mills | Jeanette Carr |
1986 | Lena Jelusich | Roger Doughman |
1985 | Leonard Vogal | Mort Unger |
1984 | Bob Klein | Larry Weiss |
1983 | Alice Lane | Phil Michaels |
1982 | Ruth McPherson | Mitz Roach |
1981 | Violet Berger | Louis Berger |
1980 | Phyllis Yates | Tom Evans |
1979 | Rebecca Bryson | John Kissinger |
Mitzi Rustad | Regina Hicky | |
1978 | Mary Ruth McCrory | Veda Wyatt |
John Kissinger | Rebecca Bryson | |
1977 | Andrew Campbell | David Filman |
1976 | David Oakley | Pauline Oakley |
1975 | Willodean Strimple | Dick Middleton |
1974 | Peggy Evens | Gwen De Jonge |
1973 | John Norman | Barbara Norman |
1972 | Frank Sweeney | Helen Sweeney |
1971 | Ruth Alexander | Alma Davidson |
1970 | John Strauch | Joel Hoersch |
1969 | Evan Bailey | David Weiss |
1968 | John Norman | Barbara Norman |
1967 | Evan Bailey | Robert Walsh |
1966 | Jim Hawkins | Marion Hawkins |