2017 Unit Reports in the Contract Bridge Forum

Each month the La Jolla unit contributes to the What’s New in District 22 section of the D22 edition of The Contract Bridge Forum, the newspaper members receive. Gathered below are the reports for 2017. The month refers to the publication month but the newspaper is delivered slightly before the publication month, reports are submitted a couple of weeks in advance, and the reports cover the preceding weeks.

December 2017

by SkipBid

Lynne Feldman and Pat Sullivan were first overall in our October 8th unit game, with Alan and Ray Rowen taking Flight B, and Flight C going to Matthew Kidd and Bob Brobst.

On October 22nd Larry Sherman and Tom Herzog won both Flights A and B, and Flight C went to Bernie and Carey Simkin.

The unit welcomes new member Barbara Trumble, and we wish to congratulate the following two members on their advancement in ACBL rank: new Regional Master—Tom Sauer, and new Life Master—Batia Kvashny. Nice job! (And all in this paragraph please refer to this column for a free play in December or January.)

(Please note: no unit game on November 26, respecting the San Diego NABC.)

November 2017

by SkipBid

Our September 10th unit game was won by Ron and Mary Huffaker, with Tom Sauer and Charlotte Blum taking Flight B and Flight C going to Matthew Kidd and Bob Brobst.

Davis Bennett and JJ won the September 24th game overall in both Flights A and B, with Matthew and Bob repeating their Flight C victory.

Our holiday party will be held at the La Jolla Country Club on December 10. Early reservations are recommended. The price is $20 if you have played in 10 or more unit games during 2017; otherwise $30. (If you are unsure whether you qualify for the discount, you can check the list and see the flyer).

The unit wishes to welcome new members Lee Holstein and Don Thomas, and to congratulate the following members for their advancement in ACBL rank: new Junior Masters—Virginia Pitrofsky, Jack Schuster, Wayne Sottosanti, and Selby Winkler; new Club Master—Traudi Stangl; and new Sectional Master—Nancy Mogck. Nice job all! (And please refer to this column for a free play in November or December...)

(And this just in: our joint NLM Oct Sectional with San Diego, directed by Davis Bennett, was a big success with 68 tables and the use of our new unit electronic scoring Kindle Fire tablets!)

October 2017

by SkipBid

Andy and Patricia Loh were the winners of our August 13th unit game. Flight B was won by Abe Gleiberman and Janice Joerger, and Flight C went to Jill Seagren and Susan Monken.

The August 27th winners were Kitty and Steven Cooper, with Flight B going to Linda Gu and Jeremy Field and Flight C taken by Carolyn Casey and Marilyn Peters-Dunn.

The unit extends a warm welcome to new member Wayne Sottosanti, and hearty congratulations to the following members who have advanced in their ACBL rank: new Junior Masters—Laury Baldwin, Jocelyn Bauer, James Dunn, Anne Graves, and Janet Lipp; new Club Masters—Janet Fraser and Cheryl Simonds. Nice job, all! (And please refer to this column for a free play in September or October.)

Our joint NLM Sectional with the San Diego Unit is just around the corner—Friday and Saturday, 13 and 14 October! This year's tournament will be at a brand-new venue: the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center at 4128 Executive Drive in La Jolla. (Easy to get to with plenty of free parking—what more could a bridge player ask for!) The game is open to all non-life masters with less than 500 points. Games are at 10 am and 2 pm.

September 2017

by SkipBid

The July 9th unit game was won by Jason and Lynne Feldman, with Lynn and Janice Wells taking Flight B and Flight C going to Bob Mann and Supriyo Datta.

On July 23rd Lynne O’Neill and Bill Grant won our annual Bill Logan Trophy Game (see “Logan Trophy” under “Unit Info” at lajollabridge.com for past winners). Zachary Scherr and Thomas Dorsey won both Flights B and C.

Kathy Moyer and Maritha Pottenger were first overall in our July 30th game, with Larry Sherman and Lamya Agelidis winning Flight B and Marilyn Peters-Dunn and Carolyn Casey taking Flight C.

Finally the unit wishes to welcome new member Gina Hixson, and to congratulate Linda Humphreys for attaining the ACBL rank of New Sectional! (Free play for Gina and Linda in September.)

August 2017

by SkipBid

Congratulations to Kent Hartman and Maritha Pottenger for winning the Eric Weiss trophy in our July 11 game! (The Eric Weiss trophy has the longest continuous award history—since 1966—in San Diego and you can find out more about it under “Unit Info” at lajollabridge.com). In the same game, Chuck Wilson and Barbara Norman won Flight B, and Flight C went to Elaine Cohen and Susan Greer.

Our June 25th game was won by Elaine Chan and Jennifer Prairie in Flights A and B, with Anwar Hafeez and Lynne Anderson taking Flight C.

The unit wishes to welcome new members Patricia Brown, R A Goodwyn, and Richard Hill. Furthermore, this month we have a whole lot of unit members to congratulate on their advancement in ACBL rank: Junior Masters—Donald and Sharon Balfour, Albert Cornelison, Mary McDonald, Susan Patchin; Club Masters—Donna Hummer and Sharon Keith; Sectional Masters—Yael Aires, Robert Dunham, Shirley First, and Micaela Grindle; Regional Master—Merle Datnow and new Life Master—Dr. Deborah Goldsmith. Great job, all! (And everyone in this paragraph please refer to this column for a free play in July or August.)

July 2017

by SkipBid

The unit’s May 14 game was won overall by Ron and Mary Huffaker in Flight A, with Larry Sherman and Victoria Haines taking Flight B, and Flight C going to Ed Brilmyer and Susan Wightman.

Big thanks go to Wirt Gilliam for hosting our May 28th game at Adventures in Bridge, saving us from a last-minute cancellation due to a scheduling problem. Davis Bennett and J.J. were the overall victors in both Flights A and B, with Malcolm Jarvis and Pamela Lawrence winning Flight C.

The unit wishes to welcome new members Mary McDonald and Richard Winkler, and to congratulate the following members on their advancement in ACBL rank: new Club Masters—Robert Hummer and Kristina Weller; new Sectional Master—Marty Diller; new NABC Master—Merrel Olesen; new Advanced NABC Master—Batia Kvashny; and new Life Master—Sandy Dinnsen. Nice job, all!! (And everyone in this paragraph please refer to this column for a free play in July or August…)

June 2017

by SkipBid

Our April 9 unit game was won by Betty Jackson and Ray Boehne in Flight A, Sue Boyle and Robert Moore in Flight B, and Ursula Kantor and Carol Brager in Flight C.

In our April 23rd unit game Bernie and Carey Simkin captured all 3 flights—A, B and C!

Happy to report the date and venue for our upcoming joint NLM sectional with San Diego are now all firmed up: October 13-14 (Friday-Saturday) at the Jewish Community Center (4126 Executive Drive, La Jolla).

Finally, the unit wishes to welcome new members Marila Lombrozco and Selby Winkler, and to congratulate the following members on their advancement in ACBL rank: new Junior Masters—Nancy Lawson, Harriet Lisak, and Barbara Weir; new Club Master—Michael Sloane; new Regional Master—Ramey Farah; new NABC Master—Yvonne Gallagher; new Bronze Life Master—Mary Scott Knoll; and… new Sapphire Life Master—Charlotte Blum! Great job, all! (And everyone in this paragraph please refer to this column for a free play in May or June.)

May 2017

by SkipBid

Our March 12th unit game was won by Bette Cornelius and Dan Dayani, withJanice Joerger and Judy Gruenberger conquering Flight B, and Flight C going to Meenakshi and Nirmala Krishnamoorthy.

On March 26 Jane Petering and Larry Sherman were the victors of both Flights A and B, and Ursula Kantor and Lynne Anderson took Flight C.

The unit wishes to welcome new members Nancy Duxbury, Harriet Lisck, Jack Schuster, and Barbara Weir. And we extend hearty congratulations to the following unit members for their advancements in ACBL rank: new Junior Masters—Dr. Marcus and Deborah Gerber, and Frank Mulligan; new Club Masters—Linda Bennett, Karen Horn, and Donna New; and new Bronze Life Master—Victoria Currie. ice job, all! (Please refer to this column for a free play in May or June.)

This good news just in: the San Diego and La Jolla units will be partnering a joint NLM sectional the Oct 13-14 weekend, continuing a (not totally unbroken) tradition of at least 30 years. (This writer played in one in February 1986....)

April 2017

by SkipBid

David Abelow and Marty Roth were the big winners in our February 12th unit game, with Flight B going to Larry Sherman and Linda Gu and Flight C to Frederick France and Ben Domurat.

Our February 26th game was won overall by Bernardo Figueiredo and Hanan Deeby. Scott and Carol Nelson conquered Flight B, and Flight C was taken by Matthew Kidd and Ruth Ng.

The unit extends a warm welcome to new members Laury Baldwin, Donald and Sharon Balfour, Marvin Bauch, Iloo Gruder, and Susan Patchin.

And hearty congratulations go out to the following members who have advanced their ACBL rank: new Junior Masters—Dorothy Purcell and Tammy Wyer; new Club Master—Larrie Brainard; new Regional Master—Bob Brobst; and new Advanced NABC Master—Deborah Goldsmith. Nice job, all, and everyone in this paragraph gets a free play in April or May.

March 2017

by SkipBid

Lynne O’Neill and Bill Grant took 1st overall in our January 8th unit game, with Flight B going to Janice Joerger and Mike Munson and Flight C to Ramey Farah and Victoria Haines.

On January 15th Elaine Chan and Jennifer Prairie won both Flights A and B, with Matthew Kidd and Ruth Ng taking Flight C. In our third game this month, on January 29, Carolyn Casey and Marilyn Peters-Dunn were the big winners, capturing all flights: A, B, and C.

The unit welcomes new members Elaine Cohen, Gregory Hansen, and Frank Mulligan. And our advancements in ACBL rank this month occurred in a record-breaking eight categories: new Junior Master—Frances McCloskey; new Sectional Master—Sandy Sherman; new Regional Master—Scott Van Hoften; new NABC Master—Sharon Pratt; and new Life Master—Mary Ann Scher. And three big ACBL jewels were won as follows: new Silver (1000+) Life Master—Robert Garin; new Gold (2500+) Life Master—Elaine Chan; and new Emerald (7500+) Life Master—David Abelow.

Great job, all! (Please refer to this column for a free play in February or March.)

February 2017

by SkipBid

Lynne O’Neill and William Grant were first overall in Flight A at our December 11th Holiday Party game held at the La Jolla Country Club, with Merrill Olesen and Robert Stevens winning both Flights B and C. The unit wishes to welcome new members Marcus and Deborah Gerber and Lynn Schiff, and to congratulate the following members for their advancement in ACBL rank: new Junior Masters—Patricia Hermann and Kristina Weller; new Sectional Master—Ramey Farah; and new Regional Master—Lolita Bache.

Nice job, all, and please refer to this column for a free play in February or March!

January 2017

by SkipBid

Our ACBL President Ken Monzingo and Maritha Pottenger were first overall at the November 13, 2016 unit game, with Flight B going to Alice Lane and Barbara Schulte and Gigette Caldwell and John Howard capturing Flight C.

Our November 27th game was won by Kit Young and Judy Rimer in Flight A while Matthew Kidd and Bob Brobst won both Flights B and C.

On Nov 19th, a 19-table Unit-sanctioned charity game, Bridge for the Cure, was hosted by the Soledad Club. Attendees reported a wonderful evening, with Lynne Newman and Randall Dougherty winning the open game, and Anne Bradley and Geneva Murphy winning the 0-750. According to event-organizer Larry Sherman, over $5000 in donations were received for Susan G. Komen San Diego, devoted to breast cancer research.

The unit wishes to welcome new member Virginia Pitrofsky, and also to congratulate the following members for their advancements in ACBL rank: new Junior Master—Sophie Haimsohn; new Club Master—Fran Meronoff; new Sectional Master--Deanna Ruttenberg; and new Silver Life Master—Sharon Gabriel. Good job, all! (And everyone in this paragraph please refer to this column for a free play in January or February.)