These three hands are from the San Diego Unit Game, September 16, 2018.
Kent and I usually have at least one auction that no other table duplicates, but today we had more than usual. We got to two slams that no one else bid, and 2 bottom boards where no one else managed to be playing what we were playing!
West: ♠1052 ♥K9 ♦KQ63 ♣KJ76
East: ♠7 ♥AQ632 ♦J1087 ♣A102
West opened a weak NT (12-14). North doubled—penalty oriented. I could have started a run-out system to bail in 2♥, but I elected to go for the gusto and passed even though I was worried about spades. This forced a redouble by partner and everyone passed. To my surprise, the lead was a fourth-best heart. When the dust cleared, we had three hearts; three diamonds and four clubs. [South should have bid 2♠—to play—over the double, but that is another story. With a psychic lead of the ♠A; followed by the ♠Q; and finally the ♠J overtaken by ♠K, the opponents take six spades and the ♦A for down one.] Instead, our redoubled result scored +1960 for our side.
West: ♠104 ♥AQJ652 ♦A3 ♣J85
East: ♠KQ76 ♥— ♦K762 ♣AKQ76
In the East seat, I opened with 1♣. Partner bid 1♥. I jump-shifted to 2♠ and partner rebid 3♥. I bid 3NT and partner bid 4♣. By partnership agreement, we don't go past 3NT with 4♣ or 4♦ unless we are looking for a minor-suit slam, so that becomes Minorwood—Key Card asking in clubs. I responded 4NT which showed two Key Cards and the Queen of trumps. Partner deposited me in 6♣.
South made the best lead of a trump. I won it on Dummy to lead a spade toward my ♠KQxx. South took the ♠A and put another club on the table which I took in Dummy. I'm going to have to do something with those hearts, so I played the ♥A, discarding a losing diamond, and then the ♥Q to try to coax a cover. RHO (North) played low smoothly, so I ruffed and the ♥10 fell on my left. Looks like South started with ♥K10x of hearts, so I cashed the ♠Q and ruffed my third spade on Dummy. When I ruffed one more low heart, the ♥K DID fall on my left. After pulling the last trump, my last losing spade and losing diamond go away on the good hearts in Dummy.
Dummy: ♠1095 ♥Q98 ♦J63 ♣KJ43
West: ♠876 ♥K754 ♦KQ2 ♣1097
South (Dummy) deals and passes. You pass in the West seat. North opens 1♠ in third seat and partner doubles. South raises to 2♠ and you pass again with your flat 8-count.
Partner leads the ♠2, presumably trump suit preference showing something good in clubs or perhaps diamonds. You play the ♠7 since you have both diamonds and a heart card. Declarer takes the trick in his hand and plays the ♦4 to partner's ♦5 and Dummy's ♦J. You win the ♦Q and return another spade. Declarer takes it and plays a low diamond which partner wins with the ♦9. Partner returns a third round of spades! Declarer has opened his ♠AKQJ suit in third seat. Declarer plays one more diamond and partner's ♦A eats your ♦K. Partner now cashes the ♥A.
You signal encouragement and partner returns a heart to your ♥K and Declarer's ♥J. Kent Hartman, who sat West, found the killing heart return. Declarer has two losing options: (1) win the ♥Q on dummy, discarding a club. When Declarer leads a club from Dummy, Kent hops second hand high with the ♣9 and Declarer loses two club tricks; (2) ruff the good the ♥Q with his last trump to play a club toward Dummy. [I must have the ♣A for my double.] I will grab my the ♣A and cash the good the ♥10 since Declarer is out of trumps. Either road leads to the magic +200 for our side.