2010-2011 Annual Financial Report

                                Summary Report
                            7/1/10 Through 6/30/11
                  Category Description           


                   Invest Income                          18.67
                   Table Fees*                        17,113.63

                 TOTAL INCOME                         17,132.30


                   Directories (300)                     381.00
                   Bank Charges:
                     Check printing            73.80
                     Deposit detail             3.00

                   TOTAL Bank Charges                     76.80
                   Cleaning (30 @ $75/day)             2,250.00
                   Club Supplies                          39.59
                   Game Expenses:
                     ACBL                     509.97
                     Caddy Fees               925.00
                     Director**             3,471.40
                     La Jolla Country Club  3,060.00

                   TOTAL Game Expenses                 7,966.37
                   Hospitality                         3,188.32
                   Insurance                           1,620.00
                   Misc                                  239.41
                   Sectional Publicity (D22 Forum)       225.00
                   Rent Paid ($125 + 22 @ $175/day     5,625.00
                              + 3 @ $550/day)
                   Stamps                                 44.00

                 TOTAL EXPENSES                       21,655.49

               TOTAL INCOME - EXPENSES                -4,523.19

*  Total table count is higher than implied by this number because board
   members play for free, a "cost" not shown separately as an expense.

** Includes the director's fee, board duplication, and hand records.